Writers-House Blog

Personal Branding: What Students Should Know About It

Branding is important, and it takes time. Therefore, the sooner students start branding themselves, the better. Students can use various simple methods to create their personal brand. A good personal brand gives your colleagues, potential employers, and anyone else an understanding of who you are and who you want to become. Check out these tips from Writers House team of professional writers to create an effective personal brand.
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Quick Guide to Writing a Letter of Continued Interest for Law School

Perhaps, you have a preferred law school but you’ve been deferred or waitlisted. In this case, you may benefit from writing a letter of continued interest. This letter will show the admissions office that you’re interested in attending the school. It will serve as a friendly reminder. A letter of continued interest can improve your chances of admission is there’s an available spot on the waitlist. However, there are some exceptions. If your school clearly indicates that you shouldn’t send any additional information, you shouldn’t send such a letter. Writers-house.com prepared this quick guide so that you can write a successful letter of continued interest.
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Typing vs. Writing Notes: a Guide to Note-Taking

All students realize that they must take notes at some point, and one of the biggest questions is whether they should do it on their computers, smartphones, and tablets or just write them done with a pencil and a sheet of paper. How to take notes effectively? Writers from Writers-House know the answer.
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Create a Great Online Portfolio: Writing Tips

Online portfolios help professionals demonstrate their skills, presenting solid evidence of their work. People spend many months or even years perfecting their skills, learning their craft, and working hard. A portfolio is your opportunity to show instead of telling what you can do. Of course, you may want to simply include a few links in your resume. However, you should understand that the hiring process is extremely competitive, and a good portfolio allows you to stand out. Experts at https://writers-house.com/ decided to share some useful tips with you so that your online portfolio can impress potential employers.
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How to Write an Effective Resume: Tips for Remote Workers

Many companies allow their employees to work from home. Remote work and freelancing allow people to work in a comfortable environment, avoiding distractions associated with the traditional office workplace organization. However, to find such a job, you still have to demonstrate your strengths in a resume. You should tell your potential employer what strong skills you possess, and what qualities make you a reliable and effective employee. Experts from WritersHouse service decided to share some actionable tips to help you create a good resume.
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Writing a Great Advertisement Critique Essay

Advertising is a very important thing for modern society. We see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio. On the internet, advertisements are everywhere — there are simple links, pictures, videos, emails, pop-up windows, etc. Companies spend more than $450 billion a year on advertising. Thus, the importance of advertising is hard to overestimate. In this article, we gathered some tips from writers-house.com service that will help you write and nice advertisement critique essay.
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Tips on Analyzing a Literary Passage

When students have to analyze a literary commentary, they often realize that this task is more difficult than it seems. When analyzing a literary passage, you need to not only retell but also to interpret it. Therefore, it is important to take the right steps, in analyzing the structure, context, form and author’s perspective. We hope that this guide at writers-house.com blog will help you write a great analysis. First of all, you should know that you’re literary analysis must have the same structure as an essay.
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Guide to Writing Exemplification Essays

Exemplification essays are a somewhat unusual assignment because the very name of this assignment scares students and requires them to test their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. However, even though this task sounds complex and difficult, the truth is that it’s much easier than it seems. This type of assignment is just less common than descriptive, persuasive, or cause and effect essays because it’s more specific. Simply put, an exemplification essay is a very precise type of argumentative essay. Learn more about exemplification essays with Writers-House.com writing guide.
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Computer Science vs. IT: Choose Your Degree

The right degree offers you many career opportunities and allows you to accomplish your life goals. Of course, your degree may also have nothing to do with the profession you choose in the future. However, if some career path looks interesting to you, having a degree will certainly be an advantage when looking for a job. Many students cannot figure out whether they should choose computer science or IT, and this guide from Writers-House.com will help you make the right decision.
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Tips on Writing a Division Classification Essay

College writing has many different aspects and students need to learn different types of writing to succeed in their academic career. Students have to write persuasive, argumentative, expository, admission, and division classification essays, as well as many other types of papers. One must have well-developed writing skills to prepare assignments that will bring good grades. Many students get stressed out as soon as they realize that they need to prepare a writing assignment, and the most common reason is that they don’t know how to approach it in the right way. Fortunately, Writers House is here to help you with a bit of advice.
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