We use phrasal verbs all the time when speaking. These are verbs that consist of two or more words. There is the main word combined with a preposition or adverb. When combined, these words have a different meaning than when used independently, which is a reason why English is difficult to learn for non-native speakers. Learn more about phrasal verbs with Writers-House team.
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Why You Should Visit the Writing Center at Your College
Universities and colleges have writing centers. These centers help students write their papers and provide academic assistance. These are not places you only should come to when you have problems. Writing centers can help you improve your writing skills and learn more about the organization of your writing, structure, and brainstorming techniques. Usually, writing centers have writers and consultants from different fields of study that can help you with papers of any complexity level. If you don’t know why you should visit a writing center, check out this list of reasons prepared by the experts at https://writers-house.com/ blog.
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How to Optimize Sentence Length in Your Research Papers
Academic writing should provide accurate information in a well-structured form. Your content should be informative and clear. However, quite often, you can see how sentences in academic writing become too lengthy and the text becomes hard to read and to comprehend. Experts from writers-house.com decided to share some tips with you so that you can write sentences of the right length, clearly communicating your ideas to your audience. Your readers shouldn’t struggle to understand what you wanted to say because they should also keep in mind the main message of your paper and your thesis statement while reading it.
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Scholarship Essays: Tips on Writing and Formatting
Most scholarships require you to provide a personal essay that describes your educational goals and qualifications. Learn more about scholarship essays with academic writing experts from Writers-House.com service.
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The ACT: What Does It Include?
If you’re going to apply for college, perhaps, you’re thinking about taking the ACT. This test appeared in the 1950s, as an alternative to the SAT. “ACT” stood for “American College Test,” and even though now this abbreviation doesn’t have a particular meaning, this test may still be the right choice for a high school student. Learn more about the ACT with Writers-House.com!
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Bad Sources for a Research Project
When conducting research for an academic paper or homework assignment, you’re dealing with facts. You need to collect them and to organize them in the right way to come up with your claim. As a researcher, you are responsible for understanding the difference between opinions and facts, as well as between facts and fiction. Our team of professionals writers-house.com prepared this list of sources that you should avoid in order to make your research credible and informative.
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Tips on Writing a Textual Analysis Essay
Students must possess many skills but the ability to analyze information is, probably, the most important one. You need to analyze information not only when writing an essay but also when dealing with virtually any college task. You should process information efficiently to learn something new, and this is why so many college assignments are intended for your analytical, writing, and conceptual skills. If you feel that you may not be able to write a good essay, don’t worry and just contact Writers House.
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A Guide to Using Action Verbs
If you want to make your resume stronger or to make boring sentences more impressive, you should certainly try to use more action verbs. These verbs are positive, active, and impactful, which is why they make your resume more interesting for a potential employer. Learn how to use action verbs in writing with this guide at writers-house.com blog.
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A Discussion Section: Writing Tips
The discussion chapter requires you to explain the relevance, meaning, and importance of the results of your research. This section should focus on evaluating and explaining your findings, as well as their relation to the research questions in your literature review. It should also state your argument. Experts from https://writers-house.com/ service decided to share some useful tips so that you can write a comprehensive and successful discussion section.
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A DBQ Essay: Writing Tips
First, let’s figure out what a DBQ essay is. This is a Document Based Question, which is familiar to the students who deal with AP History exams. Most often, students have to answer these questions when taking exams on US, European, or World History. Usually, the main task is to analyze a certain historical issue or modern events using evidence from documents. Many students know little to nothing about tasks of this kind so they start to panic and feel stressed. We at Writers-House.com always do what we can to help students so we decided to write this guide.
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