How to Use Synonyms Properly

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as the given word. The word “synonym” is of Greek origin, being a combination of “syn” (together) and “onym” (name). Synonyms give you a great opportunity to expand your vocabulary and to avoid unnecessary repetition. To find synonyms, you can use a thesaurus, which is a type of dictionary that has a list of words with the same or similar meanings. For instance, if you check the word “good,” a thesaurus will offer such synonyms as “acceptable,” “excellent,” “marvelous,” etc. There are many kinds of thesauri, from Roget’s Thesaurus published in 1852 to various websites and online apps. It’s important to know how to use synonyms properly in writing. They can help you improve both your writing and oral skills. Thus, in this article at, you can find all the necessary information about synonyms and their use in a sentence.

Benefits of Synonyms

First, synonyms make your text more interesting and captivating. They help you express ideas more precisely, improving communication. They also make any text less boring.

For instance, if you don’t want to use the word “beautiful” over and over again, you can also choose “charming,” “fascinating,” “lovely,” “magnificent,” etc. If you use the same words over and over again, your readers will quickly get bored.

You can build your own set of synonyms, and our tips will help you get started. When working on your vocabulary, it’s important to have a journal and note the new words that you learn. You also have to use them often to memorize them. The more often you use different synonyms, the easier it gets to choose the right word in the right situation.


Plagiarism is a very serious problem for students and writers because it’s considered a copyright violation. The plagiarism issue is especially serious in the academic field because presenting someone else’s words as your own can quickly destroy your professional credibility. When referring to someone else’s words, you should always make sure to provide references and citations. Does that mean that you should use direct quotations only? Fortunately, you can also include paraphrased segments that don’t need to be written in quotation marks.

Paraphrasing allows you to avoid long quotations, providing a concise message instead. It can also help you minimize the number of quotations, making your text easier to read. When paraphrasing other sources, synonyms can be especially useful.

If you want to paraphrase someone’s words, you must choose synonyms carefully, making sure that you don’t change the author’s intention. Some phrases may have several meanings, depending on the context, so you must determine the original idea and repeat it in your own words as precisely as possible.


There are many books and websites that can help you find synonyms to any word. Roget’s Thesaurus is very popular, and it’s available in both printed and electronic formats. However, there are many other good options to choose from.

For example, the Visual Thesaurus is an interactive solution that also provides a map of related words with definitions. You can also visit to get synonyms sorted by categories, choosing from among complex, simple, formal, and informal words. This website will also help you build your vocabulary with the “word of the day” feature. We also recommend that you check out Reverso dictionary that not only suggests synonyms but also allows you to translate text to other languages according to the context.

The use of synonyms improves your communication and makes your writing easier to read. Thanks to synonyms, you can make your text clear and concise, avoiding repetition, and helping your readers focus their attention. If you learn to use synonyms properly, you will improve your academic writing, being able to produce not only informative but also interesting and engaging papers.

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