How to Use Humor in College Essays

College essays are a serious task and you should treat them seriously. However, sometimes, your writing might benefit from a bit of humor. Here are some tips from

Humor can make your paper more engaging and interesting. However, it doesn’t mean that you should crack a joke whenever you get a chance. You don’t need to turn your essay into comedy, but a sentence or two with something funny will be a good solution when writing essays on some kinds of topics. You should try to make your readers smile, not laugh out loud. You should make sure that your little joke is relevant and will be appreciated by your audience.

What Kind of Humor to Use

Your humor should poke fun at your topic without distracting readers from the important information. We recommend that you use subtle and short jokes so that your readers can stay focused on the content. The best thing is to use coincidental humor that will complement your topic organically.

What If Readers Don’t Get It?

If your readers don’t appreciate your joke, it should still look nice in your essay. Think of how your joke fits the context so that it won’t create a bad impression even if nobody smiles. Take your time and think of how you can incorporate humor in the most natural way possible. Find the best place to put a joke. For example, you might use it in a very tense paragraph so that your readers don’t get overwhelmed but keep enjoying your essay.

Although using humor in writing is a good thing, make sure that your essay actually needs it. If your topic is too serious, don’t try to use humor in such an essay. However, in other cases, humor can certainly make your writing better.

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