Tips on Writing an Essay on Sociology

Many students are not familiar with sociology yet, and their first paper may turn out to be a difficult task, and Writers-House service might come in handy. It’s important to understand that sociology is empirical. In other words, papers on sociology (including your essay) should be based on research and proven documents. You will have to interpret your facts that you’ve gathered during the research stage. Papers on sociology may address such topics as race, marriage, or gender stereotypes. The importance of statistics makes sociology different from other social sciences. This area of knowledge is also based on written works. It will be much easier for you to go through your semester if you learn how to write essays on sociology.


1. Read your assignment and choose a topic. Sometimes, you don’t need to choose a topic yourself because professors may assign topics. However, classes of the upper level often imply more broad assignments so that students have to figure out what the subject of their essay should be.

Good papers on sociology are based on a certain important question. You should find a good question to address before you start writing an essay.

2. Talk to your professor. If you didn’t get the topic assigned, we suggest approving it before you start writing. Clarify any important details, for example, the length of your paper, and other guidelines. If you cannot meet your professor in person, send an email.

3. Start researching your topic by collecting evidence. You need evidence to support your arguments. During the research, you can use both printed and online sources. If you cannot find the necessary sources, ask your professor for advice.

  • There are two types of data: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data is obtained from censuses and surveys. This sort of data consists of numbers. Qualitative data is based on different kinds of sources (e.g. interviews and personal impressions).

4. Train efficient reading. When preparing a paper on sociology, you’ll likely need to read a lot. Thus, we suggest reading quickly, focusing on the most important points. Always make sure you’re looking for specific data.

  • Highlight the most important facts and ideas. It will not only help you find this information in the future but also will make you focus on this information longer.
  • Feel free to skip parts of articles and books which are not related to your topic or argument.

5. Take notes properly. You need to jot down all important details. However, make sure your notes are concise enough so that you can go through them fast. Note the most important information and write down references so that you won’t forget where you’ve got this information from.

  • Don’t forget that concepts are very important in sociology. For instance, you may need to explain how power and class are related to each other in modern society. Unlike in chemistry, you don’t need to note methods and sophisticated formulas. Instead, you should be focused on memorizing key ideas. Obviously, you should also make sure you understand the whole concept clearly.

6. Prepare for effective writing by organizing the information you’ve gathered (once your research is completed). Make sure all your books and notes are easy to access. Read your assignment guidelines one more time.

7. You should also have enough place to write. You may need to work with several different documents at the same time, so make sure your work area is comfortable.

  • Some people like to write in the complete silence, while others listen to music. Figure out what atmosphere makes you the most productive and allows you to focus.

Writing an Essay

Step 1

Start with formulating your thesis. This is the most important part of your paper because it explains what your readers will learn and what is your point of view regarding the chosen topic. We suggest writing a good thesis even before you start preparing the overall structure of your essay.

  • There are many methods to choose from when it comes to writing a thesis statement. For example, you can experiment with various questions, and turn the best one into a declarative statement.
  • You can also work with your associations. Brainstorm on terms that come to your mind when you read your topic — you may find a good idea for the thesis statement.
  • Thesis statements should meet two main requirements. First, they should be debatable. Your argument shouldn’t be a simple statement of some facts. In contrast, the argument should serve as a good basis for debate. In addition, you should support all arguments with evidence.

Step 2

Once your thesis statement is ready, write an outline. Having an outline, it will be easier for you to support your thesis in a logical and organized way. In your outline, clearly indicate the topic of each paragraph. Don’t forget to include references to the used sources.

  • Make sure all the sections of your essay are related to your thesis and support it. Don’t include information that is not related to your thesis statement.
  • For instance, if you’re discussing sexism in Chicago, you shouldn’t focus on issues related to racism.
  • Outline important pieces of evidence, such as quantitative data, historical precedents, and scholarly opinions.
  • Your outline may take more time than you expect, however, the whole writing process will be much faster after you write an outline.

Step 3

Write your introduction and conclusion. Many students agree that it’s the hardest part of the writing process. Your introductory paragraph is very important, so write it first. Stay focused on your thesis statement and introduce it.

  • We suggest including specific examples in your introduction. For example, you can mention a story of a real victim of sexism.
  • We also suggest writing the conclusion before you write the rest of your essay. The conclusion will help you keep in mind what is the main point of your paper, making the essay more coherent.

Step 4

Write body paragraphs. Every paragraph of the body of your essay should have its main point and a few supporting statements. Make sure your data supports the thesis statement. Connect paragraphs to each other using transition sentences to make your paper easier to read.

Step 5

Cite all the sources that you use throughout your essay. Most likely, you’ll be asked to write your citations according to the American Sociological Society format. This style of citation involves using in-text citations in parentheses. Talk to your professor to clarify all the details regarding formatting.

Polish Your Essay

  • Use spell check software to detect any misspelled words and correct any other mistakes. We also suggest using spell-checking software while writing. However, don’t forget that your computer may not highlight some mistakes, so you need to read your paper a few times.
  • Edit your essay and rewrite segments that look too long or not logical. Read your essay out loud — it will be easier for you to spot some mistakes and to hear the overall flow. Some phrases may look good when written but sound awkward.
  • Ask somebody else to read your essay. It may be your friend or a family member, as well as a professional proofreader.
  • Check your guidelines once again and make sure your essay meets all the necessary requirements. Double-check your essay and make sure you use the right font, margins, spaces, etc.

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