Tips on Writing an Essay Hypothesis

No matter if you need to write an essay on literature or a scientific paper, your essay should be based on a hypothesis. Your hypothesis should articulate your predictions.  In turn, the main part of your essay should prove your predictions using research and evidence. Many students experience difficulties when writing a hypothesis because it should be connected to the rest of the essay. Writers House can explain the details.

A Hypothesis for a Paper vs. a Hypothesis for an Experiment

Most often, a hypothesis is directly related to a scientific experiment. Students conduct quick research, put together some obvious facts, and come up with a hypothesis. This hypothesis may be either proven true or refuted after an experiment. Usually, they submit a hypothesis in a form of simple lab notes. However, sometimes, a hypothesis may be much longer, especially if you write it for an essay.

When writing a hypothesis for a paper, it also should be related to an experiment. However, in this case, you may consider not only scientific subjects, and you may not need a lab for your experiment. For example, your hypothesis may consider the impact of a certain author on literature as a whole, the impact of demographics on the language, etc. You don’t need a lab for such experiments. Instead of using flasks and a Bunson burner, you will interview people, research the existing materials on this topic, and look for information that supports your argument.

How to Pick a Hypothesis

First, you have to find a topic that is really interesting to you, unless your teacher has already decided on the topic. After this, start researching your topic and find something that can be tested. However, you should be able to make some observations even before testing it.

Simply put, your hypothesis should say “If I do this, this will be the result.” Your hypothesis should demonstrate your ability to analyze multiple variables and to predict relationships between them. Although you’re making an educated guess, the hypothesis may also be proven wrong, depending on the actual results of the experiment.

To figure out what your hypothesis should look like, start with observations, evaluate them, detect a potential problem, and think of how it can be explained. After this, think of how you can prove this explanation.

How to Write a Hypothesis

When you understand what your hypotheses should be about, wrap it in a proper structure: “If I do this, this will be the result.” It’s good if you can easily fit your hypothesis in such a simple structure.

Good hypotheses can be explained, tested, and proven to be true, however, they can also be proven wrong. This is the main requirement. Some hypotheses are weak because they are too generalized or too specific, and therefore, hard to prove. Make sure all variables are directly linked to each other.

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