Why You Should Start a Bullet Journal

Every college student’s life is full of stressful situations. Perhaps, the most common reason why students get stressed is that they need to organize and manage their time properly. Not only do they have to attend classes, but there are also extracurricular activities. In addition, everyone has to have enough sleep and to eat something besides Oreos and chicken nuggets. A lack of organization creates a whole bunch of problems, and sometimes, it may be hard to get your life together. This is the exact reason why we recommend that you have a bullet journal. You can create your own system and stick to it, organizing all the aspects of your life. We hope that these tips from Writers House team will help you!

1. Time management

The main and the most obvious purpose of a bullet journal is time management and scheduling. The main advantage of a bullet journal over a regular planner is that it gives you more flexibility. You can create your own layout, planning hours, days, weeks, or months. You can choose any colors and make any notes.

2. Aesthetics

Another reason why bullet journals are so popular is that you can make them beautiful. You can practice your handwriting and draw doodles so that your journal will be aesthetically pleasing and creative.

3. Journaling

A good thing about bullet journals is that you can take them one page at a time. You can also use them as traditional journals in between planning pages. Bullet journals give you more freedom because you don’t have to stick with the same format on every page. Feel free to incorporate quotes, art, or lyrics from your favorite songs.

4. Tracking goals

Bullet journals also allow you to keep track of your short-term and long-term goals. You can boost your motivation if you write down all your goals on paper and move towards them, no matter whether it’s an internship, final exams, or weight loss.

5. Tracking habits

You can also keep track of your habits. It can be very useful to visualize all the things you are supposed to do throughout the day, such as studying, working out, or cleaning your room. A bullet journal can help in fighting anxiety because it allows you to be in control or the entire day. You can also see how much time your everyday activities take.

6. Lists

You can work with multiple pages at the same time, keeping some pages in progress constantly. Therefore, you can make lists of books you’ve read, lists of tasks you’ve completed, or checklists of any kind. Crossing off the items and watching the lists grow will boost your motivation.

7. Inspiration

Write down inspirational quotes and other people’s ideas that will help you maintain a positive attitude. It’s good to always have some motivation in your backpack throughout the day.

Even though keeping a bullet journal may seem to be an intimidating task, the truth is that such journals can help you boost your creativity and productivity. Organize your time in your own way, keep track of your goals, and your life will certainly get less stressful.

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