First, let’s figure out what a position paper is. Some people confuse position papers with reports, even though these two types of papers are completely different. Unlike reports, position papers imply picking a side in the discussion about a certain issue. In this article, experts from will provide you with some useful tips so that you can write a great position paper.
When writing a position paper, you should explain your position. Such papers may focus on a vast variety of issues, including international political problems. When talking about international policies, members of the conference might ask you to forward your paper in advance so that they can understand the direction of the discussion. You may also write a position paper for a meeting in your institution, considering some important issues within the organization.
How to Write a Position Paper
Once you’ve figured out what your task is and what a position paper should look like, it’s time to write one.
1. First, make sure that you understand the topic. As a participant of the discussion, you must perfectly understand the topic and have the necessary knowledge. If you don’t understand some aspects of the topic, you won’t be able to formulate a strong relevant opinion. We recommend that you research the topiс and think of what points you’re going to highlight.
2. Make sure that your topic is arguable. Sometimes, you may have a chance to choose a topiс yourself. For example, you may discuss some trends or issues that affect modern society. We recommend that you choose a topic on which people have different opinions so that you can build an argument. You don’t need everybody to agree with your opinion. Quite the contrary, there should be equally reasonable opinions so that different parties can have a conversation.
3. List strong and weak aspects of each argument. You’ll be able to choose the best position if you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each opinion.
4. Pick a side in the discussion and formulate your points. Make sure that you can support your opinion, providing persuasive arguments.
5. You should also understand your audience’s position. Think of who will read your paper and how you can appeal to them.
An Outstanding Position Paper
- Use realistic arguments so that your audience won’t have too many questions about your points. We recommend that you design the structure of your paper carefully.
- The simpler, the better. Avoid vague explanations and make your paper straightforward. To impress readers, you should make your paper easy to understand and informative yet simple.
- Organize your points. Think of what point is better to write first and how your ideas will be connected. This step will also help you plan the paragraph structure of your paper.
- Cite your sources and provide references. Make sure to use the required citation format.
- Once you’ve finished writing the final draft, read your paper and fix mistakes. We recommend that you always proofread papers because it’s your chance to detect logical inconsistencies and to improve the overall tone.
Writing Formats
The thesis
The thesis statement is the most important part of any position paper because it sets the direction for the entire paper.
The introduction
Another important thing is the introduction. The main reason why the introduction is so important is that it attracts attention to your paper. Use your introduction to attract readers and to motivate them to read the rest of the paper.
You may use suspense so that your readers will want to learn more in the body. Write a hook that will bring attention to the introduction, and then outline the key points you’re going to discuss. The culmination of the introduction is your thesis statement.
The body
In the body of your paper, you should address both opinions on the subject matter, while also supporting your own position. You may point out the weaknesses of the second opinion or use evidence to prove yours.
Addressing different opinions is crucial for your credibility. If you only focus on your own point, readers will perceive your opinion as biased. Make sure to provide evidence that supports your points and make your paper convincing.
We suggest that you have a certain position formula and plan how you’ll develop the argument. Use your creativity to make your readers agree with you and discard the opposite point. Address the pros and cons of both points so that your readers can make the right decision.
Every body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that explains what this paragraph will be about. Your topic sentence must introduce the point this paragraph focuses on. Obviously, you need a unique topic sentence for each paragraph.
When writing paragraphs, describe your idea first, and then provide evidence to support it. Evidence must help readers understand your point and make your opinion stronger. Use facts and quotes to establish your credibility.
We also recommend that you never provide evidence without a proper explanation. Always explain your evidence so that your readers can better understand you.
The conclusion
The conclusion should summarize your argument. We recommend that you begin it by restating your thesis and reminding the key points that you’ve considered in more detail in the main body.
The conclusion should clearly state your opinion. You may also use it as another opportunity to prove the opposite opinion wrong. We also recommend that you provide some suggestions on what your readers can do about the issue.
Provide citations
Include a list of references after the conclusion and make sure to cite all the materials you’ve used while writing the paper.
Proofreading is crucial if you want to write a good paper. Make sure that you didn’t miss any mistakes. Your paper should be perfect in terms of grammar and punctuation.
Sample Papers
To improve your writing skills, you can check out various position paper samples. For instance, you can order sample position papers on Having an example of a good position paper, you can understand how to improve your writing.
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